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What is Radiant? FAQ for ranks, groups and other
What's the difference between rank and act rank?
It's important for agents like you to be able to assess their abilities, so we've developed several ways to do just that.
The first rank, you already know if you've been playing VALORANT for a while. With this one, you can accurately determine your skill and rank in matches. It will also be displayed to your group, the tab menu, and in the summary.
The ranks are: Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Ascended, Immortal, and Radiant. Except Radiant, each rank is divided into three levels. The higher the number, the better your rank. Your rank directly affects your Act rank over time.
Your Act Rank holds your rank throughout the entire act. It is determined by your victory with the highest review, which we like to call your demonstrated skill.
What about the rank rating?
Rank Rating (RR abbreviated) is a visual representation of your progress and works differently on the Iron to Ascended ranks than it does on the Immortal to Radiant ranks. You can learn more by clicking on the links below.
Does my rank expire if I don't play?
In short: No! Ranks don't have an expiration date here, buddy.
The detailed answer: also no, but even though you have the rank Immortal or Radiant, you can drop down the leader board. It does not lower your rank, though. It just means that your position on the leader board has changed.
Can I play the ranked mode with my friends?
Yes! You can join matchmaking with friends, even if you play at quite different levels – at least up to a certain limit. If you are playing with 2 or 3 players, you can only join rated matches if the players are reasonably close in rank.
Group restrictions
In groups of 2 or 3, players may join with certain restrictions on rank differences.
Groups of 5 (groups of 5) can ignore the table because rank restrictions do not apply. However, groups of 5 with players on Iron Ascended will receive RR penalties if players have a rank outside of a normal group restriction. (Example: A group of 5 with only Silver and Gold players will not receive RR penalties. A group of 5 with Silver, Gold, and Ascended players will receive a RR penalty).
Is there an upper limit for groups of players?
Groups of 3 or less players must meet the above requirements. Groups of four players are not allowed because the solo player often does not have a good playing experience.
Players on Immortal 1 or higher can only play solo or in duo or 5 player groups.
What if I go into the queue with a full group?
As stated, groups of 5 players are allowed with no restrictions. So you can play with 4 friends regardless of your skills. You can have a team of 3 Iron players and 2 Ascended players as long as you fill up a group.
Groups of 5 have special rules that apply to the possible rank differences of players on a team.
- If everyone in your group of 5 is Ascended 3 or below, the team will receive a 25% RR reduction if any player is outside the normal group restrictions.
- If at least one member of your party of 5 is Immortal 1 to 3, the team receives a 25% RR reduction.
- If at least one member of your group of 5 is Radiant, the team receives a RR reduction of 75%. If you team up with players below the Radiant rank, the RR reduction is automatically increased to 90%.
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42 Replies to “Destroying a FULL RADIANT Lobby – Valorant”
The squawking elo goblin, new specie
The name of the new species is a Dannasouris🤣
The specie is the non stop talking parrot
You should add vids playing against pros or going back to pro scene (1)
i remember your r6 days
4:51 sussy
3:20 this is so sad mah boi 🙁
Those shorty plays man daymnnnnn
the name of the specie is mankey
Pls call the new specie the shoutosawrous
new species name
Name of the new specie: daddy
The name of the new spiece is : Ouah-bird 😂
It’s teradactel lol gimme my money
FanboySaurus xD
Editor foonny
New species name is dale
Jiggle o sauras
noisysaurus is it.. 100 buck ma boiii
3.37 is came
WHAT WHAT creature
Você é muito brabo!!!
Nasty flick
Whats ur crosshair?
does the editor have a channel himself?
The new species is called loudolokulis
1:15 The screamosaurus
introducing Samsungs newest product:be the monitor
How bout ' Yellators'? New species
It happens to everyone 😃😀😃😀😃😀😃😀😃😃😀😃😀😃😀😃😀😃😃😀😃😀
1:12 extra terrestrial animal
fortinte kid
the spiece name is "dannyjones" 😅
You don't pull down when you burst while counter strafe shooting?
o cara trocando com o less, ta maluco
Noted is goated