Are you one of the League of Legends players? Do you want to move up the leaderboard? We can help you. We have put together the current top 5 junglers of the meta version of the game.
Riot Games has announced that the game will not be updated before the end of March. Many gamers tend to replay the features of the pros, usually with modest success. You should rather rely on the following features in the coming days and use this accordingly.
Volibear has once again gained popularity in the 12th season of League of Legends. And this is by no means a coincidence. The Relentless Storm still provides great support in team battles and can serve as a frontline that few can penetrate. With its kit, players are able to effectively annoy enemies, stay sustainable in the jungle, and deal an impressive amount of damage while being incredibly tanky.
Strong dives with ultimate
Very strong ganks
Easy to play
Can be both bruiser and tank
His commitment can be easily stopped
Drops heavily late
Suffers kiting comps
Lee Sin
Lee Sin is the evergreen champion of the jungle role. It doesn't matter what his power is compared to the rest of the jungle champion pool, but he will always have a spot somewhere. With the nerf of some of his duel counters like Xin Zhao and Viego, Lee Sin is also rising in play rate across all regions. While he is extremely difficult to play and master, a good Lee Sin player can take over with a well-executed early game. If he gets a few kills early, he will snowball so hard in the middle of the game that he can easily fight multiple times thanks to Goredrinker.
Extremely mobile
Satisfactory at executing good plays
Excels in early skirmishes
Is overscaled by most meta junglers
Hard to get back into the game when you are behind
Extremely difficult to master
Kha'Zix received a fairly substantial nerf to his isolation damage a few patches ago. While most expected Kha'Zix to disappear from power picks for a while, he still maintains his S-tier status. While Kha'Zix hasn't received any kit changes since his release, he is still one of the most powerful assassins in the entire game with insane carry potential.
Can blast any squishy target
Can make up for the lack of vision control
Insane carry potential
Insane damage on the evolution of Q
Might not have as much of an impact as other meta junglers
Easy to remove if positioned incorrectly
Requires good tracking of the enemy jungle
What makes Diana insanely powerful is obviously her ultimate and the burst damage she has with her combo. Her snowball is incredibly powerful and can become an incredibly dangerous threat in teamfights, especially around targets when enemies usually gang up.
High burst
One of the few viable AP jungle champions
Can carry solo teamfights with Ultimate
Insane clearing speed
Low map presence before level 6
Needs strong mechanics for their mobility
Hecarim can basically survive most skirmishes while shutting out Manamune, which grants bonus damage to his Q on Evolution (reaching 360 mana stacks). With two items, Hecarim becomes basically unstoppable as he can fight multiple targets at once.
Large ganks
Can navigate the entire map extremely fast
Fast clearing
Can both engage and disengage
Tanky, but with tons of damage
Requires resources to carry the game
Struggles in later stages of the game
Engaging too early could backfire badly