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LEC Summer 2022: vier Teams aus Europa sind für die Weltmeisterschaft 2022 nominiert
Die LEC Summer 2022 European Qualifiers neigen sich dem Ende zu. Obwohl wir den Namen des Gewinners erst in einer Woche erfahren werden, wurde gestern der letzte Teilnehmer aus der europäischen Region bekannt gegeben, der zur League of Legends Weltmeisterschaft 2022 fährt.
Im Viertelfinale der unteren Gruppe traf Fnatic auf Misfits Gaming. Das Relegationsspiel war nicht sehr spannend und endete mit einem klaren Sieg für die “Orangen”. Trotz aller Bemühungen der Verlierer begruben zwei Karten von 24 und 29 Minuten sowie eine von 48 Minuten die Hoffnungen der Misfits, sich für die Weltmeisterschaft zu qualifizieren.
Auf der anderen Seite möchte ich darauf hinweisen, dass die Mannschaft zuletzt 2017 an der Weltmeisterschaft teilgenommen hat und durch die gestrige Niederlage zum fünften Mal an der WM vorbeigezogen ist.
Nach einem klaren Sieg gesellte sich Fnatic zu drei anderen Teams: MAD Lions, G2 Esports und Rogue, die unabhängig von den Endplatzierungen an der nächsten Weltmeisterschaft teilnehmen werden.
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50 Replies to “Rakan Tips und Tricks Guide | League of Legends”
We are experimenting with these shorter format videos that have no voice over. Are these the types of guides you guys would like to continue to see? 2-3 minutes max. Or would you rather have them be longer and more in-depth with a voice-over.
Our goal was the a guide that is easy to watch when in the pick-ban/loading screen or on the go and you don't want to turn your volume up. Thoughts on this?
this style is really cool and organized. when screen is loading i can watch this and its really complete. you guys win a sub hope to see more in the future
Well i tried the combo it wasn't soo hard thanks for tip dude
so… what kind of boots does he need?
my Rakan is lvl 6 now
Wow i find this channel very useful
Man you did this video awesome!
Good job 🙂
I love this channel, it's like pro guides for poor people
now you guys made a perfect video for tips & tricks. keep it up. we need more things like this. subscribed!!
Amazing videos
More videos like this ♥
Do one for Xayah!
wow thank you so much.
https://twitter.com/1b5c9d9de7f477821/status/719100417246961665 um hасk dе rрр feitо рреlо UltrааааHасking
Раrа соntаtо, dеiхе о sеu skуре nаs rееееsррроstаааs! О limitе é 8000 dе RР
ty combo xD r+w xD
Dude my rakan is sick ign:CoughingClown
looking for low elo rakan players to play xayah with. I play on NA and my username is fredthelump.
i hааааvеее aааа hассссk lооооl –> https://twitter.com/9be955d8d5e3673cc/status/719100417246961665
Is better to play Rakan as AP tank with some stuff like Zhonya, or just full tank like Warmog, etc? Thank you for your advice!
Well my rakan is lvl 7. My second game with him Was a S+ :D. I havnt a Long time needed to be lvl 7 but This combos Are very helpful. I think i will be better with him if I think At This Video and Use the combos.
Another cool trick that I discovered on Rakan is that you can animation cancel the knockup on his w by recalling immediately after casting your w. What happens is you don't perform the knockup and lose the extra delay that w normally holds you for by around 1 second. Pretty handy if you need to get out of a situation without standing still for an additional second
tbh Rakan is one of the Coolest Supports out there
Pls make one on Xayah :c
tl;dr: use R before W
Music plz ?
Best Guide ever!
Perfect editing. A joy to watch and great tips!
This is probably my favorite support in the game so far.
Never knew you could cast 2 E's successively
wow! u blowed my mind off with that easy to watch guide! u got my suscribe already ^^
Very well done video! Very crisp and easy to understand. The best tips video I have ever seen! Well done!
this was realy helpfull! Thanks! 🙂
I love the slow motion, makes it easier to see and understand, thank you
can you charm the same person more than once with his ult?
Best Youtube Channel Ever! I love you! <3 MORE PLSSSSS
I like this channel
Easily the most mobile support in the game
The slow motion helped very much and the cast of abilities are shown below its was so helpful and the music 🎶🎼 🎵 was so nice 👍 keep it up man so good 😊 😘😍
Is this for noobs? There's no commentary and it doesn't explain shit
I love Rakan but my plays weren't that good with him..
Goid tips nobody else mentions!
Great editing 😉
WOW i love the music and everything <3
Lil tip rakan can be melee if you get close to ur target
"No targons execution"
I'm offended.
Simple and i got it easily
You forgot the q aa w aa e (or just walk away) for optimal dps and top and mid trading
E still on the range and flash + W is make W faster the enemy cant react what u goona do
I love rakkan he’s so funny. Haha